Time to reach for the stars...
Have you noticed how much is changing all around you; the whole world is changing so fast as if something is in the air...... YES, the planet and all of its inhabitants are going through an ascension process and no one is excluded. Everyone is feeling the change in some form or another. Some are sensing, seeing, and working with other dimensions and beings more and more while others are experiencing challenges in their 3D life. All are being called to participate in this great adventure. Our guides and eternal spirit are so busy working, guiding us to our own spiritual awakening and planetary work. Since we were awakened, we have been on our journey and have picked up knowledge and spiritual technologies to support ourselves and others. Look around and see if there is anything in this portal that might be of assistance to you.
It's time... let's wake up to the miracles!!
P.S. I have been away from writing and posting for a long time as, I too went through a massive life-altering dark night with so many, mini-dark nights within it. It has been seven years since I wrote something about my experiences. My English is a bit rusty at the moment. So, be patient with me, as I begin to stumble and stand up and write about my experiences with you. Love Pavithra T LH
New YouTube channel for Starcrystalportal.com is coming soon....